Category: CEO Responsibilities

Boost your success, join a peer group.

Marla J Noel

I can’t support peer groups enough when running a business. Running a business is fun, but so challenging. There have been times when I felt as though I couldn’t breathe because of some urgent business problems But when I joined two different peer groups the business challenges became easier.

How Can Women Gain Access to the Boardroom

Marla Noel, executive coach. Marla can help women gain access to the boardroom.

Women are becoming enabled to be board members to benefit corporations. We identify ways to improve women’s abilities to become great board members.

CEO Responsibilities- Set the Strategic Vision

Marla Noel, executive coach. Marla can help women gain access to the boardroom.

As a CEO, one of your primary responsibilities is to set the strategic vision for your organization. Setting the strategic vision involves identifying the company’s goals, values, mission, and overall strategy. Your vision should provide a clear direction for the organization and guide decision-making at all levels.