Why Education


Why Education

JoAnne Williams of JWilliams Staffing and Marla Noel at the Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast

Marla Noel and JoAnne Williams at the Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast event

Why education? Education is important to me. It was important to my parents. I firmly believe education will change the world. If we enable all who want an education to get an education, how productive will we be, and why have a war? So, when I talked with Jim Schramm 17 years ago, I told him how important I thought it was for all to have the same opportunities for a good education. This is when Jim suggested I join the Board for the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Ana, which has evolved into the Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast. At that time, the club was starting College Bound, a program to help kids interested in college. So many first-generation college-bound students don’t know how to apply for college, study the right courses, prepare their resume, or determine which college would suit their interests and career choices, let alone know what types of careers might be available.

The Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast makes a difference.

When I had the chance to interview the students for scholarship money, I was impressed with how far we had come as a club 17 years later. The students are articulate and intelligent. We have taught them what to say and include in their resumes. I am so proud of all the Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast has done for children in my community. When I get a call to help, I say yes whenever possible. When I can attend a Boys and Girls Club of Central Orange Coast event, I will be there and will bring my friends.

Women of Greatness

This last Sunday was an event to celebrate Women of Greatness, and there were many great women at this event and at my table. If you can draw on your heart and participate, help, donate, or give time to the club, you will see firsthand the difference you make.

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