Diane Mondini with Caring Companions at Home
Many business owners struggle with the challenges of running a business, particularly in today’s environment. However, some of them, including Diane Mondini from Caring Companions at Home, have found support by way of a peer group. Women Presidents’ Organization, Inc., is a non-profit organization with chapters all over the world. These business owners meet to discuss business issues, and through a process of sharing experiences, provide support for many of the difficult issues we face on a monthly basis. In Orange County, there are 3 chapters and inspiring members to help each other conquer issues and grow the businesses.
It’s lonely at the Top
The members of WPO know this only too well. Many of the business issues cannot be discussed with others in the company, and our family members don’t understand what we go through. When my group meets, the conversations go deep into the cause of the problems. My favorite line I learned a long time ago from a mentor is “How do we fix the problem so it never happens again.” At WPO, we look for solutions or experiences from the other members, that group think. which creates a much stronger thinking process than one person alone. There is so much support by way of a peer group in our meetings.
Many years of Business Experience and now support by a peer group, WPO
With 22 years in business, Diane can add so much more to the conversation because of her years of experience. She has seen it all, she would say. When I speak to Diane about her business, it is clear, her success comes from truly caring about the families she serves and the staff who work endless hours to match the right caregiver to the client. Different from her competitors, Diane has kept many of her employees over the years. These employees are well trained and understand what is important to your family when you need her services. See Non-Medical In-Home Care Services | Caring Companions at Home.
Support by way of a Peer Group
Please look at Women Presidents’ Organization as an option to help you run your business to find support, yes other women who have successful businesses. In Orange County, Marla J Noel or Debra Valle can help you understand how to participate in this dynamic group of women. OC Growth Advisors – Your Partner for Success in Growth Read about Marla on her website, www.OCGrowthadvisors.com. Get your support today by way of a peer group. Join WPO.
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